Heber city utsh flies gay pride flags

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In response to the backlash, the City Council passed an ordinance in August to restrict 'political' banners and require that all banners on city lampposts get sponsorship from the city, Wasatch County or the Heber Valley Chamber of Commerce. Since 2019, the sight of rainbow flags on Heber City lampposts during June has ignited debate in the small, predominantly Mormon town, with some conservative residents viewing the banners as city-sanctioned 'political' speech. An exterior view of an Encircle home in Salt Lake City, Utah. 'The house, of course, is a safe space it makes it feel like home, look like home, so that these individuals have a place to come every day and feel loved and accepted, maybe when they don't feel at home in a school or church or even their own homes,' Encircle Executive Director Stephanie Larsen said.

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